Hello, friend. I hope you’re killing it with your creativity.
I’ve got a great opportunity for you to monetize it.
That opportunity comes from Brave browser. It’s an ad-free browser that pays users crypto. It’s going to change the creator economy as we know it.
They have a creators program that lets you monetize all your content. YouTube channel, Reddit account, website, anything.
You’ll be able to receive donations & tips from users. In Basic Attention Tokens. (Worth ~$.70)
You can sign up here. Or, read more about Brave in this article. It discusses why Brave is the future of the web and exactly how it works.
Now, I’m gonna show you why it’s an amazing way to monetize your content.
The Pain of Paying
Making money online is hard. Traditionally, you had to sell something. Maybe it was an eBook or a physical product.
You needed super fans. Someone that loved your content so much they bought something from you.
But then came monetization platforms. You could run ads on your content and generate revenue. But this business model sucks.
Everyone hates ads. But it’s the only way to monetize your casual viewers.
Asking people to buy something or donate has too much friction.
They have to leave the platform, create an account, enter their credit card, and then send you money.
Most people just don’t do that. Even if you have millions of views, it doesn’t guarantee success. If you don’t have any super fans in the audience, you’re screwed.
But thanks to Brave browser, there’s a new way to monetize your casual viewers.
Brave Creators
Brave users earn BAT for free. And they can tip anyone that deserves it.
They already have the crypto. One click and they can make your day. That’s as frictionless as you can get.
Creators won’t have to rely on super fans to fund their work anymore. No more spamming thousands of strangers with ads to make end’s meat.
You can create something amazing. Publish it. And users will support you.
As Brave browser replaces Chrome, there will be more tips looking for great creators than ever before.
Make sure you’re one of them.
Join Wikipedia & mrBeast and become a Brave creator.
Meme of the week
Shows how great Brave is for everyone :)